My-Metamorphosiz helps to create Growth in People through God, Direction & Discipline. As I help guide you through your Journey of Wholeness & Healing - this process will parallel the process of a Crawling Caterpillar to a Fluttering Butterfly called Metamorphosis!

The cross is on the left side with the actual butterfly wing because the only way to true complete transformation is through God. This means we’re all still a work in progress through our metamorphosis until it’s finally complete once we leave this earth. The right side of the cross is missing with flowers growing because the growth process is just beginning and not complete. We are forever a work in progress so authentic transformation is obtainable through Christ but without Christ we can forever be seen like we’re all put together (flowers) on the outside with no real change because we’re lacking what we truly need (God)

Flowers Grow & Butterflies Evolve!


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